Postdoc Position (f, m, d)

1 Stellenangebot
ab sofort Vollzeit Sonstige Berufe Befristet

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

In publica commoda

Goßlerstr. 5/7
37073 Göttingen
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The Research Training Group (RTG) 2756 “Cytoskeletal elements of active matter – from molecular interactions to cellular biophysics (CYTAC)” at the University of Göttingen is currently inviting applications for a
 Postdoc Position (f, m, d)
starting as soon as possible. This is a full-time position (100%, currently 39.8 hours per week) and the salary is based on the German public service salary scale E13 TVL. The position is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for 2 years with the possibility to extend.
Within CYTAC a motivated group of researchers is studying the cytoskeleton on all relevant length scales - from the level of individual molecules, through mesoscopic filaments and membranes, all the way to cells. Naturally, this research is performed in a highly interdisciplinary manner and involves physics, physical and bio-chemistry, cell biology and mathematical data analysis. The RTG 2756 offers a vibrant academic environment. General information on the RTG 2756 is available at
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate who wishes to pursue an academic career and complement their previous PhD training in an interdisciplinary environment.
We are looking for a candidate who
  • holds a Master’s and a PhD degree in physics, biophysics, biophysical chemistry or a closely related discipline
  • has previous experience in conducting experiments on soft or biological matter
  • has previous experience in one or several of the following methods: optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy, optical tweezers
  • has a very good command of English
  • has good programming/data analysis skills
  • is keen to collaborate and share ideas and data within the RTG 2756
  • is motivated to support the RTG PhD students with their projects, organizational tasks and course work
What we offer:
  • an international, interdisciplinary, flexible and motivating working environment
  • a great team to work with
  • the possibility to pursue your own career development
  • the opportunity to gain experience in teaching, student supervision and funding acquisition
  • mentoring by advanced researchers
  • advanced career support (professional skills courses)
The University of Göttingen is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply as they are underrepresented in the field. The university has committed itself to being a family-friendly institution and supports their employees in balancing work and family life. The university is particularly committed to the professional participation of severely disabled employees and therefore welcomes applications from severely disabled persons. In the case of equal qualifications, preference is given to applications from people with severe disabilities. A disability or equality is to be included in the application in order to protect the interests.
Please submit your application as a single pdf-file with the usual documents (motivation letter of maximum 1 page, CV, university degrees and transcripts, names of two senior researchers who agreed to provide reference letters for you) until May 31, 2024 by email to
For questions about the position, please contact Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster (
Please note:
With submission of your application, you accept the processing of your applicant data in terms of data-protection law. Further information on the legal basis and data usage is provided in the Information General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Bitte im Betreff der Bewerbung folgende Referenznummer angeben: 2812


Sarah Köster

Frau Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster

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Postdoc Position (f, m, d)

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
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