Master student (m/f/d) position

1 Stellenangebot
nach Vereinbarung Bewerbungsphase endet am 31.07.2024 Vollzeit Ingenieurwesen / Entwicklung... Sonstige Berufe Industrie / Produktion / Chem... Befristet


Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1
37077 Göttingen
Ein Angebot von:

Institute for Nanophotonics Goettingen e.V. Department of Optical Nanoscopy

Since its founding in 1987, the Institute for Nanophotonics Goettingen has been a pioneer in the transfer of application-oriented research between science and industry. The activities range from the development of novel laser measurement techniques, product refinement using lasers, the development of new beam sources to applications in the life sciences and medical technology.
Our group uses the light emission of living cells for imaging that is generated by the process of bioluminescence. We apply a fully genetically encodable bioluminescence system to create autonomously glowing cells and improve the brightness of this system in different types of target cells. Besides camera- and microscopy-based bioluminescence imaging methods, the use of newly developed optical fibers will be explored to detect bioluminescence signals in large specimens at greater depths. Different model samples, ranging from embedded cells to a living organism, will be used.

We invite applications for a

Master student (m/f/d) position

The position is available from autumn 2024 or later and limited to a duration of 12 months.

Activities and responsibilities

  • Construction of a fiber-based bioluminescence imaging system

  • Test measurements using biological samples, data visualization

Qualification profile

  • Bachelor's degree in physics or a related subject

  • Ideally experience in optics and basic programming skills

We offer

  • Interdisciplinary team in a cutting-edge research area at the interface of biology, physics, medicine and materials science
  • Extensive and modern equipment
  • Excellent integration into the Goettingen campus

Women are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants with disabilities and equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment.

Please send your application in German or English language including curriculum vitae and Bachelor certificate as PDF files to

For additional information, please contact Dr. Carola Gregor, Institute for Nanophotonics Goettingen e.V., Hans-Adolf-Krebs-Weg 1, D-37077 Goettingen,, Tel.: +49(0)551-5035-45.

Bitte im Betreff der Bewerbung folgende Referenznummer angeben: KNH-673768


Fenja Belosa

Frau Fenja Belosa


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Master student (m/f/d) position

nach Vereinbarung, Bewerbungsphase endet am 31.07.2024
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